Hoping I make someone smile
Hoping I make someone
When someone is
speaking don’t turn to your friend and smile and wink, you probably are not
nearly as smart as you think yourself to be
You can educate a
fool and what you have is an educated fool
Be thankful for the
opportunities you have had and understand that there are others who have not
had those same opportunities
It is okay to
critique but not necessary to criticize, there is a difference
Be careful whom you
laugh at, you never know your future
Be careful of
labeling people it just might expose your ignorance
You say “I am only
Human”…being human is a privilege, not an excuse. Christ died for the human
Be careful to whom you say “I love you”. It can backfire
If everyone you come
in contact with doesn’t like you, get over it and move on
When someone walks
into a room don’t suddenly quit talking
Don’t let the clutch
out on your mouth without your brain being in gear
Whatever someone
fears may not be real, however the fear is real
Not all people get up
early in the morning, and yet, they are good people
Because a food tastes
good to you doesn’t mean everyone else will like it
Learn to walk away
politely from an argument
Keep your feet dry in
cold weather
Your convictions are
worth fighting for, your preferences are not
Hold fast to the things which are good for you
and those around you
You don’t have to
laugh at dirty jokes
Everyone should ride
their own bicycle
If you don’t like
someone it is not necessary to tell others you don’t like that person
Do not start a
conversation with “Don’t repeat this but……”
You are not the
busiest person in the world, so quit acting as though you are
If everything must
have a beginning, then there must have been a time when there was nothing.
However, not even one thing can evolve from nothing…….Huh?
Always make sure you
have a good winter coat
Make your snow ice
cream before you let the dogs out
If there is a food
that you really enjoy don’t eat it too often, then when you do eat it, it will
be a treat
Don’t let a large
round bale of hay roll over you (spoken from experience)
Every storm passes
Today is the tomorrow
you worried about yesterday
Don’t sleep under a
tree when it is lightening
Always carry a salt
shaker when going near vine ripened tomatoes
Don’t wear an ice
skate on one foot and a cowboy boot on the other foot to your child’s first
Parent/teacher conference
A dull knife is more
dangerous than a sharp knife
Make your ice cubes
from clean water
Don’t go to sleep on
your bicycle while riding down a steep hill
Practice spitting
watermelon seeds
Play catch with a
Memorize the books of
the Bible
Look through a
Don’t wear flip flops
in deep snow
Always whittle away
from your self
Clean your room
Always walk on your
side of the road
Help someone who
needs help but doesn’t ask for help
Hold the door open
for others
It is my contention
that sardines were not meant to be eaten on graham crackers
Telling others how
awful you feel won’t make you feel better
Notice the beautiful
and funny things as you go through life
If you have a
tendency to talk in your sleep try to stay awake during church service
If you must practice
doing cartwheels in the grocery store, stay in the paper goods isle
Sit on the porch
after dark and listen to the night sounds
Jim Gray
Peculiar Missouri
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